Friday 19 October 2012

Moving fast but running slow...

Two runs in the last two days. Yesterday was the last of week 4. It was ok but a bit slower than the last two. I was a bit disappointed at first but then I reminded myself I'm still new and it's all about just getting out there. My times are an overall sign of my improvement, not something that I have to beat each time.
There's a real difference this week in how dark my evening runs are which I'm a little nervous about. Will be doing my best to get out earlier or stick to the well lit main roads. Also a great reason to start taking the dogs out with me!

Distance 3.27 km
Speed 6.22 km/h

Today's run was around the lake at Stover again and it was just as beautiful as last week. I may be a trail runner at heart...

Week 5
Walk 5min
Run 5min
Walk 3min
Run 5min
Walk 3 min
Run 5min
Walk 5min

Distance 3.49 km
Speed 6.75 km/h

This week of the plan is a bit different. Until now, each week has been 3 sessions of the same intervals. This week there are three different sessions. They are going to be tough! Can't wait though. Getting so excited about how fast I'm improving. A few weeks ago I struggled to keep going for 90sec and today I did three 5min intervals! While I'm running it's hard and I'm longing to hear the voice in my ear say "walk" but as soon as it's over I'm eager to go again. I always feel so slow though. I know it's early days. I'm learning to increase my distance and improve my stamina. Speed will come later. Just so impatient though!!!

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